January 15, 2025

Art Book Grant

Umberhine Public Library participated in the A.rt R.esources T.ransfer Library Program, which “bridges public institutions, artists, and publishers through the circulation of printed books,” and received a dozen books on modern and contemporary art. The 100% free program “distributes books to public libraries, schools, and prisons nationwide.”

A few of the books received include these titles:
American Marquetry: Masterpieces in Wood by Richard Muhlberger (745.51 MUH)
Building Diplomacy: The Architecture of American Embassies by Elizabeth Gill Lui (725 GIL)
Willem de Kooning: Sculpture (707.4 De KOONING)

Umberhine Public Library can place one order every calendar year. We encourage you check out our new art books and give us good reason to tap into this resource again in 2024.